Wednesday, September 9, 2009

About time

A blog gone dormant..four months now  since I last wrote,  gave up  my commitment to daily entries.  Now I'm not sure how to dive back in and say this- but YES-it happened.  There finally was a job offer. It came after he decided that he had to look younger.  So he  dyed his hair.   Don't laugh.  This time they actually gave him a chance and let him through the door. The offer came after he decided to stop looking his age. After he booked a vacation.   
I'm  afraid to  mention any of this.   Because at any time, at the will of this corporation, this "work" could cease again.  They'll see the gray hair.  He'll miss a beat.  He won't know what hit him.   There are  so many highly  qualified job seekers out there in this  increasingly frenzied   job shredding  economy. No one even responding to their incredibly impressive resumes.   
Always those questions: why me? why not me?   Being in the right  place, or the wrong place? 
 It's not what we had expected all.  When he went for the interview, he didn't realize that he was applying for a job in a city that was at the other end of the state. 
Now he's back in the work force like the other lucky survivors of the latest round of cuts, working longer, harder, later. For what?
I'm here and he's there.  They expected "relocation" and he had to commit to that- although they won't promise him that for this they won't abandon him. 
Still how can we not feel grateful. He's working again, even if its such a high price to pay, it's just time and space.  

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