Thursday, February 19, 2009

HELP WANTED: Teaching EXperience

Can’t figure out what this world is coming to when at the same time we are socializing the banking industry we are allowing education to become privatized.

 What’s this about?

 We are turning the lives of children into something that can be a money making venture while banks are  given billions of dollars  by the government because they could not make money.

 Does that mean that we didn’t do a good enough job educating our bankers?

 Something is deeply wrong with this picture. 

 Did you know that in New Orleans all the teachers were laid off after  Katrina?  Now it is reconfigured system of privatized schools and privatized teacher recruitment and training.

 Can’t figure out how these can really be  called  schools, when  almost all of the teachers are fresh minted college grads taking a break before their real  careers start.

 Every year the private venture of education is training  and retraining new teachers, and kids with post traumatic stress disorder are teaching  their  teachers .

 In New Orleans I hear that a  training was provided on "identifying and managing trauma"  however not a single teacher returned for the second year so there was no one who could identify anything.

 No one remembers the student who  lost a mother, a father, a sister, a house, no one remembers the beautiful poem they wrote about their loss, or the fact that they had succeeded in learning to read.  There are no teachers  to come back to visit next year to tell about the award they won.

 I read on a blog that teachers in a school in New Orleans were told to let the student's behavior spiral out of control  so they could be expelled rather than be treated/  In Oakland kids who go to “charter schools”  and act out, or have learning problems. are told they can’t  stay .  They come back into the public schools where every student must be served.  More and  more classes are  filled with students with special needs.


Let unemployment be a lesson for us. Let the failed banks be a lesson for us. We need  teachers who really know how to teach so we can have jobs again.




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