Wednesday, February 4, 2009

To Do's

1.  Make sure to get some exercise everyday no matter what
2.  Look at the sun whenever possible
3. Limit exposure to the news
4. Don't be too proud to accept whatever prayers,  sympathy or gestures of kindness come your way.
5. Keep shopping  locally,  and don't skimp on the food budget- eat organic as long as you can
5. Remember that those who live with NO SAFETY NET have needs that are even greater than yours and keep advocating for them.
6. Encourage everyone you know who still has their salary to go on spending as if the bottom of the world is not going to fall out because if they don't do this it will.
7. Support libraries and education at all levels because it really is our hope for the future: if you live in California call 1 888 268-4334 to lobby that devastating cuts aren't made in these areas.
8. Make up your own version of the news by writing every day and telling the important stories
9. Find or start an organization that will lobby to protect your rights to keep working as you get older and ask your younger colleagues to join you in this as  inevitably they will be getting older too and if they don't help you now, they won't be taken care of either. 
10. Remember that we really have entered a time of new freedom to speak up and hope for a better future so do everything you can to make this a reality.

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